Free Download Game Frontlines Fuel Of War for PC Full Crack Version : pada kesempatan kali ini admin blog akan memberikan sebuah game strategi perang dan shooter atau tembak - tembakan untuk pc komputer maupun laptop terbaik 2015 buat sobat. gamenya ini bernama Frontlines Fuel of War. pada game ini tentu nantinya sobat akan menjadi seorang tentara pemberani yang harus menyelesaikan semua misi yang ada. misi yang ada pada game Frontlines Fuel of War PC ini sobat harus merebut semua area yang terdapat pada map game. Terdapat dua kubu di dalam game ini, yang pertama adalah kubu Western Coalition Army (Amerika dan persatuan Eropa) dan yang kedua adalah kubu Red Star Allieance (Rusia dan Cina), sementara itu pertempuran berlangsung di daerah Timur Tengah dan setiap akhir misi terdapat Cutscene yang menceritakan pertempuran dari sudut pandang wartawan perang. Di dalam game ini sobat akan merasakan sebuah pertempuran yang terlihat begitu nyata, dengan berbagai senjata perang dan kendaraan perang yang begitu detail, menyerupai aslinya dengan kualitas 3D sob.
Game Frontlines Fuel of War Full Crack ini secara keseluruhan hampir mirip dengan game Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Call of Duty Black OPS 2, dan Counter Strike Global Offensive sob. hanya bedanya terdapat pada gaya permainan atau misinya saja. letak kesamaannya adalah senjata tembaknya handal - handal semuanya. serasa kita layaknya menjadi seorang tentara sungguhan. tunggu apalagi sob buruan saja di download deh gamenya ini.
Review Summary (Description) Aboout Frontlines Fuel of War PC :
Not too far in the future, the global natural resources are on the brink of depletion. As our economies and our way of life tumble into chaos, the superpowers clash to gain control. Set in a fictional future based upon the headlines of today, F.O.W. brings players into the world's next great war. As society succumbs to a worldwide energy crisis, a new global depression takes hold. Amidst this desperate backdrop, two superpower alliances emerge. Join the battle on the frontlines of tomorrow as the Western Coalition (U.S./E.U.) or the Red Star Alliance (Russia/China).
Tomorrow's weapons, today: As depicted in F.O.W., the U.S./E.U. and Russia/China have combined their military research and budgets, and the result is over 60 next-gen vehicles and weapons inspired by military designs for the near future. This includes remote controlled drones, gun cams, and next-generation counter-measures systems, all of which are player-controllable. Use high-tech combat systems to collect and relay recon, targeting, and threat information between team mates. Target acquisition and sharing between vehicle occupants is just one example of F.O.W.'s focus on an advanced team play experience. The customization system allows players to grow their soldier to fit their play style by choosing a weapons loadout, as well as a technical specialization (role). As the game progresses each role will upgrade, providing advanced equipment and abilities. The system is a mix of RPG-like depth but with the accessibility of a fast-paced FPS.
Frontline combat system: The main game mechanic featured in F.O.W. in both in single player and multiplayer, is the ability to join the forces on the front line. This front expands across large portions of a mission and will require a strategy to achieve the contextual objectives in order to move this front forward. Not only does this system keep the battle centric and players in the midst of the action, it gives a unique sense of advancement as your Division is rewarded with territory for their victories. Choose your path to victory: Within the front, players can take advantage of a sandbox of destructible elements and various weapons of war to create their own unique paths and strategies. Instead of failing and re-playing the same sequence of events, players can 'chip-away' with varied approaches, allowing diverse missions with high replay value.
Download Frontlines Fuel Of War (Server 1)
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- OS : Windows XP/Vista
- Processor : Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz or Athlon Equivalent
- Memory : 512 MB (1 GB for Vista)
- Hard Drive : 15 GB Free
- Video Memory : 128 MB (nVidia GeForce 7300/ATI RAdeon X850)
- Sound Card : DirectX Compatible
- DirectX : 9.0c
- Keyboard & Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive
- OS : Windows Vista
- Processor : Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz or Athlon Equivalent
- Memory : 1 GB (2 GB for Vista)
- Hard Drive : 15 GB Free
- Video Memory : 256 MB (NVidia GeForce 7800GTX)
- Sound Card : DirectX Compatible
- DirectX : 9.0c
- Keyboard & Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive
Demikian ulasan saya mengenai Game PC buat sobat para gamers mania, semoga bisa bermanfaat dan menghibur sobat.
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