Pada kesempatan siang hari ini, saya akan mengumumkan game terbaru yang dapat di mainkan di android atau iphone. Dimana game ini bernama Clash Royale Terbaru 2016. Game ini di kembangkan oleh Supercell yaitu sekaligus pengembang dari game yang sangat terkenal sekali di android yaitu GAME COC ( Clash Of Clans ). Permainan game ini hampir mirip dengan game coc namun perbedaannya itu hanya di sistem gemnya. Jika sobat penasaran ingin memainkannya segera saja instal dan mainkan gamenya sob, di jamin game ini sangat seru dan sangat asyik untuk di mainkan di hanphone android sobat. Game Clash royale ini sob bersifat online jadi sobat perlu koneksi dengan internet terlebih dahulu.
Dalam memainkan game ino sobat nantinya harus mengumpulkan dan meng-upgrade puluhuan kartu yang menampilkan pasukan clash of clans, spell dan pertahanan sobat yaitu raja dan putri, knights, baby dragons, dll. Menyerang musuh raja dan putri dari menara mereka untuk mengalahkan lawan sobat dan memenagkan pila, mahkota dan kemuliaan di arena. sobat dapat membentuk clan demi berbagi kartu dan membangun komunitas pertempuran sobat sendiri.
Game Clash Royal ini memiliki pertahanan yang singkat. Atau menurut saya itu sob ibaratkan sebagai permainan Tower Defense, namun hanya sedikit
yang berbeda sob namun sama
menggunakan sistem strateginya. Jika sobat penasaran dengan game terbaru
ini alangkah baiknya sobat lihat screnshot yang sudah saya sediakan di
bawah ini.
Description :
Including another, constant straight on battle experience sway Royales!
Imperial clash is a duel and card gathering amusement universe in strife
settings. This new amusement unites strife with your most loved
illustrious faction powers, at times there are some new bends. In an
assortment of enclosures and different challengers war trophies, crowns
and superbness.
Imperial fight is about no holds barred fight, and numerous, numerous! Super been searching for an energetic and fascinating approach to player versus player diversion in versatile for a considerable length of time, we think we at long last discovered it. Self-created diversion group tribe strife, fight illustrious is another experience, and dissimilar to whatever other amusement we played some time recently.
Delicate begin starts chose nations in January 4. We are extremely happy to see you in a battle! In particular, we anticipate listening to your criticism and thoughts for recreations. Specifically, we anticipate listening to how to play and appreciate existing Clashers side-side fight regal tribe family.
If it's not too much trouble examine a meeting with the Chief Pat the diversion group, we share regular issues and clashes in the gathering Royals your input.
Imperial fight is about no holds barred fight, and numerous, numerous! Super been searching for an energetic and fascinating approach to player versus player diversion in versatile for a considerable length of time, we think we at long last discovered it. Self-created diversion group tribe strife, fight illustrious is another experience, and dissimilar to whatever other amusement we played some time recently.
Delicate begin starts chose nations in January 4. We are extremely happy to see you in a battle! In particular, we anticipate listening to your criticism and thoughts for recreations. Specifically, we anticipate listening to how to play and appreciate existing Clashers side-side fight regal tribe family.
If it's not too much trouble examine a meeting with the Chief Pat the diversion group, we share regular issues and clashes in the gathering Royals your input.
See you in the stadium,
The Clash of Royal
Features :
- Duel players from around the world in real-time and take their Trophies
- Earn chests to unlock rewards, collect powerful new cards and upgrade existing ones
- Destroy opponent’s towers and win Crowns to earn epic Crown chests
- Build and upgrade your card collection with the Clash Royale Family along with dozens of your favorite Clash troops, spells and defenses
- Construct your ultimate Battle Deck to defeat your opponents
- Progress through multiple Arenas all the way to the top
- Form a Clan to share cards and build your very own battle community
- Challenge your Clanmates and friends to a private duel
- Learn different battle tactics by watching the best duels on TV Royale
Makasi Mass Udah Di Update :D